The Police
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Delivery of envelopes with paper in


We have been made aware of residents receiving envelopes via a courier with their address on but not their name.  The envelopes can be white or pink with bubble wrap inside.  They contain paper or cardboard with nothing on.  If you have received any envelopes of this nature, please dispose of them. If any envelopes of this nature are delivered to your address please refuse the delivery and contact the courier company and report the matter.  There is no request for money and it is believed this maybe a ‘brushing scam’ where sellers send unsolicited packages to people to artificially boost sales.  Please make Action Fraud aware if you have received any envelopes https://www.actionfraud.police.uk

You can also change your preferences to include emails from Action Fraud who will update with the latest scams doing the rounds. 

The packages we are aware of have come from Tik-Tok Shop.

Thank You



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Message Sent By
Heather Campbell
(Police, PC, Leyburn)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials